Opening Reception & Book Signing
Oct 23, 5:30-8:30pm
Opening of the premier exhibition and book signing for "Without Regard to Sex, Race, or Color", published by UGA Press in conjunction with the Georgia Humanities Council with photographs by Andrew Feiler.
A large bell hangs in the clock tower overlooking the now quiet campus of Morris Brown College. Its inscription reads, in part, "Dedicated to the Education of Youth, Without Regard to Sex, Race or Color". Founded by African Americans in 1881, Morris Brown lost its accreditation to financial pressures and scandal in 2002. Today its campus is largely abandoned.
Andrew Feiler was granted unique access to Morris Brown's hauntingly silent campus. His documentary artistic photography portrays a proud past, a challenging present and an uncertain future, not only for this one institution but for all of America's historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). This significant work surfaces issues at the heart of the debate raging in our society: How do we create opportunity for all in America? How do we create onramps to the middle class?
Oct 23 - Nov 29
Artist's Talk
Nov 7, 10am
Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library & Galleries
111 James P. Brawley Drive, SW, Atlanta, GA 30314 - Google Maps
(404) 978-2000
Mon-Thu: 8am-12am
Fri: 8am-6pm
Sat: 12-6pm
Sun: 12pm-12am
ACP Listing #: 95
© 2016, Atlanta Celebrates Photography.