Opening Reception - CANCELED
Oct 17 7 - 10pm
"Today I shall behave, as if this is the day I will be remembered." This quote by Dr. Seuss reminds us that no one is guaranteed a tomorrow and we should all live each day like it's our last. This exhibition by the photography students of the Portfolio Center follows local nonprofits to tell the stories of those people who have devoted themselves to helping others and the people they serve. If you knew you had one year to live what would you change? It's not about saving the world but more importantly about making a difference.
Oct 24 - Nov 24
Portfolio Center Atlanta
125 Bennett Street, Atlanta, GA 30309 - Google Maps
(404) 351-5055
Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm
By Appointment Only
ACP Listing #: 86
© 2016, Atlanta Celebrates Photography.