ACP Portfolio Review
Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center
Portfolio Review
Oct 10
This event is closed to the public. 51 photographers from across the country have been selected to meet one-on-one with a distinguished panel of reviewers. This year's attendees will receive valuable feedback about their work and make meaningful connections. Special thanks to Lumiere for their support of this program.
This year's distinguished panel of reviewers includes:
- David Bram - Founder, Fraction Magazine; Co-founder, Flashpowder Projects
- Alyssa Coppelman - Independent photo editor
- Catherine Couturier - Owner, Catherine Couturier Gallery
- Arnika Dawkins - Owner, Arnika Dawkins Gallery
- Jim Estrin - Founder, NY Times Lensblog
- Bryan Formhals - Founder & Host, The LPV Show
- Hava Gurevich - Director, Art2Art Circulating Exhibitions
- Maria Kelly - Curatorial Assistant of Photography & Exhibitions, High Museum of Art
- Michael Kochman - Creative Director, Image, Turner Broadcasting Systems
- Paul Martineau - Associate Curator Department of Photographs,
The J. Paul Getty Museum
- Dina Mitrani - Owner, Dina Mitrani Gallery
- Mark Murrmann - Photo Editor, Mother Jones Magazine
- Jennifer Schwartz - Founder, Crusade for Art; Co-founder Flashpowder Projects
- Anna Skillman - Owner, Jackson Fine Art
- Aline Smithson - Photographer & Founder, Lenscratch
- Gordon Stettinius - Publisher, Candela Books; Owner, Candela Gallery
- Dave Whitling - Creative Director, The Bitter Southerner
Roving VIP (on site the day of the reviews):
- Mary Stanley - Owner, Mary Stanley Studio, founder Young Collectors Club